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Chair’s Message

Revitalize With Relevance: Building Resilience

Members of the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce, distinguished guests, family and friends,

I’m here this evening with a deep sense of gratitude and anticipation as we embark on our next chapter together. It is with great pride that I address you at this  gathering, knowing that we are united by a shared commitment to the promotion of business and economic growth in Hawaii based upon the principle of Members Supporting Members.

As we look to the new fiscal year, I offer the three guiding principles of RENEWAL, RELEVANCE, AND RESILIENCE. These pillars have served as the foundation of our collective efforts dating back to our founding in 1900 and have guided us through the challenges and opportunities throughout the past 124 years.


Marc Nakamoto (Chair of the Board FY2024-2025)


RENEWAL is not merely a process of change; it is a mindset—a commitment to constant evolution and improvement. It calls upon us to challenge the status quo, to question assumptions, and to embrace innovation in all its forms.

Equally important is our dedication to RELEVANCE. In a world that is constantly in flux, relevance is the currency of success. It requires us to stay attuned to the needs of our stakeholders, the trends of our industry, and the expectations of our members. Let us strive not merely to keep pace with change but to lead the way—to be proactive, forward-thinking, and responsive to the demands of a rapidly changing landscape.

Yet, for all our efforts to renew and remain relevant, we must also cultivate RESILIENCE—the ability to withstand adversity, to adapt to unforeseen circumstances, and to emerge stronger in the face of challenges. Resilience must be nurtured, cultivated, and ingrained into the very DNA of our organization. Let’s commit ourselves to building a culture of resilience—one that empowers us to confront adversity with courage, determination, and unwavering resolve.

As we start our journey together, let’s remember that our success is not measured by our individual achievements but by our collective efforts. Let’s renew our commitment to excellence, remain relevant in a rapidly changing world, and above all, let us be resilient in the pursuit of our shared goals.

2025 will mark our chamber’s 125th Anniversary and I have the honor of launching the year-long festivities starting with our Shinnen Enkai New Year’s Celebration on January 3rd.

In closing, I have every confidence that together, we will rise to the challenges that lie ahead, seize the opportunities that present themselves, and chart a course towards a future that is brighter, bolder, and more promising than ever before.


Inauguration, Membership Recognition & Generational Award Celebration
July 25, 2024

NAKAMOTO, Marc (2022) resized

Marc Nakamoto
Chair of the Board (FY 2024-2025)