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Outstanding Member of the Year Award

Each fiscal year, a selected individual(s) of the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce is designated by the Chair of the Board of Directors to be the "HJCC Outstanding Member(s) of the Year" for significant contributions to the Chamber.

2024 Outstanding Member of the Year -- Dean Yoneshige

Dean Yoneshige (resized)

Dean Yoneshige
Brokerage Sales Manager
Pacific Guardian Life

HJCC Member since 2020

Past Outstanding Members

2023 - Blake Isobe / Michael McMurdo
2022 - Marc Nakamoto
2021 - Peter Hamasaki / Jill Kuramoto
2020 - Derek Kaneshiro
2019 - Rick Mishima
2018 - Jason Ito / Myles Shibata
2017 - Steven Teruya
2016 - Jodi Nozoe Chang
2015 - Patti Fukada / David Yamashita
2014 - Davis Higa
2013 - Rika Hirata / Jon Tsukamoto
2012 - Brian Nishida / Terry Noyama
2011 - Mark Ibara
2010 - Roy Amemiya Jr. / Scott Higa / Arnold Hirotsu / Michael Nomura / Lynette Lo Tom
2009 - Roy Ishihara / Takae Okuma-Johnson
2008 - Richard Matsu / Tyler Tokioka / Tetsushi Uno
2007 - Christine Kubota / Sammy Li
2006 - Leo Asuncion, Jr. / Ronald Hayashi / Jodi Ito
2005 - Emi Anamizu / Sidney Hamada
2004 - Fred Morinaka
2003 - Ralph Honda / Jodi Nozoe / Stanley Yamamoto
2002 - Albert Kobayashi / Robert Kuniyuki / Kiyoshi Ohbe / Yoshiyuki Otoshi
2001 - Joseph Sailer
2000 - Wayne Miyao / Robert Nagao
1999 - Natsuko Lambert
1998 - Daniel Takehara
1997 - Melanie Hashimura
1996 - Thomas Sakamoto
1995 - Rene Mansho / Tony Masamitsu
1994 - Howard Hanada / David Seya
1993 - Wayne Ishihara
1992 - Garrett Serikawa
1991 - Paul Yamashige
1990 - Leonard Katsarsky / Glenn Nakamura
1989 - Buster Komori
1988 - Yoshiharu Satoh
1987 - Dean Matsushima
1986 - Minoru Ueda
1985 - Walter Saito
1984 - Walter Tagawa
1983 - Donald Doi
1982 - Teruo Himoto
1981 - Ronald Ushijima
1980 - Tatsuko Hino