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Outstanding Member of the Year

Each fiscal year, a selected individual(s) of the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce is designated by the Chair of the Board to be the “Outstanding Member(s) of the Year” for their significant contributions to the Chamber.

Congratulations to the 2021 Outstanding Members of the Year

Peter Hamasaki Outstanding Member

Peter Hamasaki

General Counsel
Foodland Super Market, Limited
Member since 2004

Jill Kuramoto Outstanding Member

Jill Kuramoto

Chief Communications Officer &
Client Development Director
RKT Media Hawaii
Member since 2014

Peter Hamasaki co-awardee is the chair of the Government Affairs committee. He joined the Chamber in 2004 and has been committee chair since 2012.  Immediate Past Chair Jason Ito stated, “Peter has been instrumental in assisting the Chamber in interpreting legislation issues and how it may affect their business and ability to connect with key political officials”.

Peter is currently employed as the General Counsel, Foodland Super Market, Limited.

In fiscal year 2019-2020 he was selected as the Kuroko recipient, a member who has supported the Chamber in many ways behind the scenes. President & CEO Ishihara mentioned, “that Peter deserved the OMOY award by planning his webinars on his own initiative and executed the events without much assistance”.

Jill Kuramoto chair of the Marketing/Communications committee expanded the Chambers exposure in the Hawaii and Japan community with the article write-up in MidWeek and producer/director of our 120th Anniversary Celebration Video.  President & CEO Ishihara stated her professional guidance and willingness to work with anyone was a key criteria for all of us.

She joined the Chamber in 2014.  She performed in our annual New Year program as one of the performers in the Kabuki play about 5 famous robbers in 2020.  In the same year she used her professional skills to moderate our Business Solutions Workshop.

Our successful 120th Anniversary Celebration was co-chaired by Jill and Myles Shibata. She presently serves as a Director on the Chamber Board.

Jill is Chief Communications Officer & Client Development Director, RKT Media Hawaii.

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR Outstanding Members of the Year AWARDEES!

July 2021