Special Events

HOLE-IN-ONE CONTEST [A-3, A-5*, C-3*, C-7*]
1st shot only. Subject to validation and terms & conditions of insurance policy. Hole-in-one prize is restored automatically to its original amount after each qualified hole-in-one.
*Hole A-5, C-3, and C-7: Cash Prize $10,000 (50/50 split with the HJCC)
ON/OFF CONTEST [A-3, A-5, C-3, C-7]
Golfers whose tee shot lands on the green will be eligible for the "ON" drawing,
Golfers whose tee shot lands off the green will be eligible for the "OFF" drawing.
Contest drawing at the banquet.
PICK YOUR HOLE | Blind Shot to the green with no flag-pins [A-4, C-4]
Three holes are randomly placed on the green with no flag-pins. Self-select the hole of your team's choice...all player must putt to the same hole.
Land your tee shot in the painted box and qualify for a drawing at the banquet.
Contest drawing at the banquet.
Special Events Package
$75 Per Team / $25 per player (Add-on item for Samurai Team Entry)
*Special Events Package is included in Shogun and Daimyo Sponsorships.
The Special Events Package is required to participate in on-course contests & events.